Working with Mike at the CGIAR 1989-1994

Created by Kerri 2 months ago

During the early 1990’s Mike lead the effort (with Don Plucknett and John Spears, all three serving as Science Advisors) with the then Technical Advisory Council (TAC) in the expansion of the CGIAR.  During these years forestry, agroforestry, fisheries, water, and policy research came into the CGIAR. Mike played a critical role in helping to make these changes and continued to conduct his research in farming systems. 

Mike was an inclusive, thoughtful leader.  He continued to advocate for the social sciences.  He insisted they played an important role side by side with the earth-based sciences.  He was a true champion for the Social Sciences. Mike and I held the meeting for the CGIAR Social Sciences at ISNAR in 1992; -- this served as the first in a series of CGIAR Papers produced by the Secretariat in the early 1990s.

Mike was a friend, a colleague, and a champion for the underrepresented in the CGIAR System.  He was also a leader in establishing early gender studies and bringing in gender scientists and experts to address this during the same time. There is so much that still exists and has grown in stature, due to Mike’s work.  He was a systems thinker in all he did.

Mike was a giant in the early CGIAR, and I am proud to have worked with him and benefitted from his clear mind and thoughtful approach to our work.  He will be missed, Kerri Conway