Mike, me and Farm Africa

Created by Christie 2 months ago

I first met Mike in Kenya in 1980 when I was a PhD student, at what is now the International Livestock Research Institute and his CIMMYT office was in that compound. He was always kind and encouraging to me and although he was firmly focused on crops and I was focused on livestock we found a common passion in helping farmers get out of poverty through better farming.

I kept in touch with him, mostly through our mutual friend Steve Franzel, and when I became CEO of Farm Africa and he was back living in the UK he was a natural person to approach to join the Farm Africa board. I think it gave him a welcome connection back to his roots on small farms in East Africa. He became Chairman at a particularly difficult time in the history of the charity. He supported me through some tough times and together with his fearsome deputy, Elizabeth Hopkins, we steered the organisation into calmer waters.

I am so touched that Norma and his family want to support Farm Africa at such a difficult time in their own lives.

I send my sincere condolences to his family.

With all good wishes Christie (currently in Karen, Nairobi, Kenya)